My Girls:

(click on any doll for a full-sized photo or visit my flckr page)

Lovely Colinette. Those of you who are knitters know why she's named that! In a sweater knitted by mommy.

Colinette standing patiently while mommy adjusts her new outfit. Careful of the pins!

These are my dolls. It seems a little silly to be collecting dolls at my age, but these girls are lovely. I started by being attracted to Blythe. While I was watching Ebay for my first blythe doll, I came across the wonderful world of Pullip! These dolls are a similar size to barbie and Blythe, but the faces are prettier, the hair is pretty, and they fit Barbie clothes. The poseable bodies lend them to photo stories. There are lots of online communities who share photos of their girls. Here I will keep photos of my little doll family. I have taken up sewing, and have found my first Blythe (MRB) and have sent her on to Misty for customization. She will have a mohair reroot, new eyechips, sand matted face, and new make-up. I'm looking forward to getting her back. I'm thinking about customizing my LRRH Pullip. Her eyes are just too green. Hmm...

Panda (no name yet) in fashion fever outfit.

Panda in a new wig. Nope! We don't like it!

Back to the old cotton candy pink. What a diva!

Lovely Little Red Riding Hood (no name yet) 11/2005

Will LRRH sport the new ringlet wig? Hmm...

Madame Rosebud before customization! 11/2005

Newly customized Blythe
coming soon!

Here you can see the difference in height between Colinette (Pullip Body 3), Nomado (Pullip Body 2) and Blythe (similar body to a Skipper).

Lovely Nomado! She is going under the knife.. err... I mean, going to the Customization Spa!

Best friends!